这产品的包装好吸引我 每次看到其他部落客在部落格上介绍都想试用
现在有机会试用了我要介绍给你们 据我所知这是泰国牌子
我不知道你们有没有发现其实泰国产品其实很好用 而且价格很公道
Natta Cosme每次都给我那么好的惊喜 他们每次送出包裹的时候都很细心的
由于这次的时牛奶的主题 他们还在包裹里面放了一包小小包的牛奶
我最爱牛奶了 呵呵 这次的产品每个都有牛奶的 牛奶对我们的皮肤很好的
能滋润 让我们的皮肤变白等等的 这次要介绍的有4个产品
YOKO Milky Body
[ Description ]
[ Description ]
The nourishing no-greasy formula body lotion enriches with
Milk Protein,which consists of many valuable nutrients for nourishing and
moisturizing your skin. This lotion swiftly hydrates, yet very effective
moisturizer from Vitamin E and Licorice extract leaving your skin
smoother,lighter,more supple and healthier looking.
- Milk Protein
- Vitamin B3
- Licorice Extract
- Vitamin E
[ Direction ]
Smooth lotion onto skin and massage gently until absorbed.
Apply twice a day or as required, ideally after bathing.
[ Suitable For ]
All skin type,especially for the smoother and lighter skin
with the skin nutrients.
Packing ] 400ml
[ Price ] RM35.00
这Body Lotion包装上有写着这是采用了新科技 一点都不油腻的
用之前还有一点怀疑 哈哈 用了之后才发现没有骗人哦
很水嫩 搽在皮肤上很容易推 薄薄的 一点都不厚 真是我喜欢的类型
其实现在的产品都已经慢慢走这个路线了 没有以前的lotion那么厚了
质感薄薄的很喜欢 我很喜欢她的味道 好香啊 包装是4个产品里面最可爱的
建议你们冲凉后用哦 那么皮肤更容易吸收 :)
YOKO Spa Milk Salt Shower Bath
[ Description ]
Yogurt Spa Milk Salt Shower Bath is for
exfoliating and nourishing skin with Vitamin E, Milk Protein, with natural salt
benefits. It provides nourishment to your skin with milk protein. It removes
dirt deposit and dead skin cells from your body, giving you a new radiant skin.
[ Directions ]
Pour spa Milk Salt Shower Bath on your
hand. Rub gently in circular motion on wet skin. Leave it on your skin for 3
minutes and then rinse off with clean water. After use, you can feel your skin
softness and smoothness.
[ Size
] 250g
[ Price
] RM20.00
YOKO Spa Milk Salt Shower Bath我也很喜欢
他和其他的Salt Scrub完全不一样 我之前用过的Salt Scrub都没有那么浓缩
Salt Scrub对我们的皮肤很好的 大多数第一次用就会有效果的了
我刚刚说这比其他的Salt Scrub浓缩有没有 就是因为浓缩 效果也比较明显
在这照片你应该看得出来一粒粒的盐巴 里面只是盐巴而以
把身体先弄湿 然后搽在身上 不要太大力 因为太浓缩了如果太大力就会有点痛哦
然后等3分钟 之后你的皮肤就滑溜溜的啦! 价格很便宜 一定要试 :)
Spa Milky Rich
[ Description ]
Properties: Experience soft and silky
smooth hair with Yoko Hair Spa Milky Rich. A unique blended treatment with
triple benefits from Milk Protein, Coconut oil, and Argan oil that not only
boost beauty shine hair but maintain moisture to scalp as well. With
aroma scent, you can feel as if you are doing hair spa.
[ Directions ]
1. After shampoo, apply YOKO Hair Spa
Milky Rich throughout your hair especially at the end.
2. Cover hair with warm wet towel for
about 10 minutes.
3. Then Rinse.
4. It also can be use in place of
conditioner after shampoo.
[ Size
] 200ml
[ Price ] RM42.00
Hair Spa Milky Rich没有我想象的滑和油 在用的时候就好像在用牛奶洗头发呵呵
我放大概3分钟然后就洗掉 没有我想象那么滑 但是在头发半干的时候大概就可以感觉头发又变滑了
如果要更好的想过呢 就得跟着包装上所写的 放个10分钟 那么想过会更好
里面的成分是对头发很好的原料 Argan Oil, Coconut Oil还有Milk Protein
这些原料都可以修复损坏的头发 用了头发味道也香香的
YOKO Body Butter Cream Milk Protein
[ Description ]
This rich cream but fast absorbing is blended with Milk
Protein, Aloe Vera extract and Chamomile extract creates the exclusive body
cream. With all these valuable components,Chamomile extract creates the
exclusive body cream. With all these valurable components,they help retain skin
moisture to combat wrinkles, brighten your skin and improve your skin condition
for softer and smoother.
[ Direction ]
Apply daily on body morning and night time.Suitable for all
skin types even dry skin.
Packing ] 200g
[ Price ] RM30.00Body Butter Cream Milk Protein会比Lotion厚一点 比较Creamy
个人觉得这不需要天天用 我没有天天用 因为我比较喜欢用lotion
如果你没有特别要求的话 这个产品可以每天试用的 只是我比较不喜欢厚厚的感觉
他是比较浓 但是也会比较滋润的 还有美白的效果 可以每一天使用 皮肤特别干的更适合用
每次说到Butter Cream我们会想到Body Shop 我觉得你们可以试一下这个YOKO的Butter Cream :)
=================== Good News=================
For all my lovely readers,
enjoy 10% discount for any YOKO product.
Simply key in the coupon code
"LOVEYOKO" upon checkout.
This code will be valid until 31/12/2014.
=================== More Info ==================
Natta Cosme YOKO Products :http://www.nattacosme.com/index.php?route=product/isearch/onefivefour&filter_name=yoko&filter_description=true
Yoko Thailand Website : http://www.siamyoko.com/
Natta Cosme Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NattaCosme
this is poison! I love milk so much ^-^